ACG39 Obnosticon - Benderscwhartz Rising (CD-EP)

ACG39 Obnosticon - Benderscwhartz Rising (CD-EP)
Obnosticon - Benderschwartz Rising
Release Date: April 15, 2019
Track Listing:
1. Wall of Blood (6:38)
2. Babyman (7:24)
3. Stable Genius (4:11)
4. Crimson Queen (4:51)
5. Sex Mad (Nomeansno) (4:10)
Mark Rodgers: guitar and vox
Stain Johnson: bass and vox
Carolyn "Squeak" Cremona: vox, guitar, clarinet
Snoopy Joe Melvin: drums
Special guest guitar: Mohadev on Wall of Blood
All songs written by Obnosticon except Sex Mad by NoMeansNo
Wall of Blood and Babyman co-written by Obnosticon with Mohadev
Imagine if Ornette Coleman, Frank Zappa and Lita Ford got together and produced a theme song for Mystery Science Theater… now you are along the correct path of thought that brings us the Austin TX sensation known as Obnosticon. This 5 song CD has just enough Obnosticon to keep you going until you need some more, but be sure to listen to it at least 100 consecutive times to really get to “know” the release.